Social movements pursue collective goals in interaction with opponents. Its power of influence will depend of their level of strength. This article offers a new conceptual synthesis of the notion of strength from descriptions in literature about social movements and the elements of the concept of strengthening or empowerment from community psychology. Through this conceptual tool is analyzed theoretically the student movement between the years 2002 and 2011. It follows that it is a movement with important strengths, as heartfelt demands, a consensual interpretative framework in the essential and achievement of sympathy in the population, a major motivation of control, a good horizontal organization and direct tactics. On the other hand, deserves no doubt the level of attainment of goals, the identity as a movement, the clarity of internal and external borders, and exploitable opportunities policies in their favor.
student movement, strength, empowerment
Author Biographies
Carmen Silva Dreyer, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Psicóloga, magíster en psicología social comunitaria, investigadora Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile. E-Mail:
Javier Romero Ocampo, Universidad Central de Chile
Profesor de historia y geografía, sociólogo y psicólogo, doctor en estudios americanos, mención pensamiento y cultura, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Académico Escuela de Psicología, Universidad Central de Chile. E-Mail:
Silva Dreyer, C., & Romero Ocampo, J. (2020). What is a strong social movement? Conceptualization of the concept of strength and application to the case of the student movement in Chile 2002-2012. Última Década, 21(38), 91–108. Retrieved from