Bourdieu’s cultural capital theory has had an ambivalent relationship with the idea of «youth». On the one hand, the first steps in life are key moments for habitus building and, doing that, set the basis for future achievements. On the other hand, youngsters occupy subordinated positions in the social field and they are recipients of particular cultures from their families and social contexts of breeding. However, a significant number of studies on cultural capital performed during the last few years have concluded that age is a very important variable in order to account for the patterns of behavior found. Even so, in the past, studies done from the theory of subcultures have been those which have made more progress in understanding youth cultures. This article attempts to contribute to the development of cultural capital theory taking advantage from the dialogue and methodological convergence between both theories, and this is done using evidence from the Chilean case.
youth, cultural capital, cultural participation, social space, social field
Author Biography
Modesto Gayo, Universidad Diego Portales
Profesor en la Escuela de Sociología de la Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile. E-Mail:
Gayo, M. (2020). The theory of cultural capital and the cultural participation of young people. The chilean case as an example. Última Década, 21(38), 141–171. Retrieved from