Youth studies in the Southern Cone: Remaining epistemologies, pending unlearning and intellectual commitment. Reflections in a gender fashion


  • Silvia Elizalde Universidad de Buenos Aires


The present work is the systematization of some of my reflections on the epistemological guidelines of the field of youth studies in my native Argentina, as a part of a wider, in-process exploration focused on the ideological assumptions of the connection among stratus, gender and age. In tune with the invitation made by my Chilean male and female colleagues to rethink today’s bestdefining youth «markers» in the current situation of our Southern cone countries, I outline some challenges our investigative practices are faced with, and the intellectual commitment we made under this new scenario.


youth «markers», gender and sexualities, identity, difference and inequality, political challenges

Author Biography

Silvia Elizalde, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Investigadora Adjunta del CONICET, con sede en el Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género (FFYLL UBA). Doctora en Antropología (UBA); Maestría en Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO Argentina); Licenciada en Comunicación Social (UNICEN). Docente de grado en UBA y UNLP y de postgrado en diversas universidades de la Argentina. Miembro de la Red Nacional de Investigadores/as en Juventudes de Argentina, desde su creación en 2004. E-Mail: