Institutional representation of the «teaching role» or representation of the «popular youth» as a pupil? Some considerations regarding the strain on which the «educational process» is based in the high school in concepts of poverty


  • Jorge Castillo


This article discusses over the elements in the base of the educational process carried out in schools, regarding poverty contexts, analizing the implicancies of the «social representation» that teachers figure out of their students in such process. This research give us a first clue: that the the way that teachers represent their students is determined by the norms and the role that the scholar institution assigns to the students. But, is today’s school an institution among the classic sense of the term? The tools given by this institutional concept to the teachers board, do enable them to solve the strains imposed by practice? It looks like the masification of the inclusion of a new scholar public, questions the most fundamental bases of the concept. Therefore, on which foundations is the educational process defined? It seems that it would be rather the representation that the teachers have of their students, conformed since the properly scholar domain and issues that are external to those which would be defining it. This representation would be guiding «what is being done» in the school, demanding a new configuration of the teaching role and why not, a new way to conceive education.


social representation, popular youth, education

Author Biography

Jorge Castillo

* Ministerio de Educación, Santiago, Chile. Sociólogo, Master en Ciencias de la Educación, Vice-Coordinador Nacional del Programa Liceo para Todos. E-Mail: