Who receives the inheritance? Identifying legal mechanisms to favor rural youth access to land in six Latin American countries


  • Eduardo Andrés Villavicencio Pinto Wageningen University & Research


Generational renewal is an alternative among the potentially helpful actions to improve the mechanics of rural development in the continent. In this context, access by young rural women and men to land is considered as a first element that countries should integrally and strategically deal with. In this context, this research work carries out a comparative analysis on legal frameworks from six countries in Latin America, particularly on those institutions related to the right to dispose of property during life or after death, favoring sons or daughters who want to continue farming. The results make possible to point out that partition of property in life, and remunerative donation to a lesser extent, would have the potential to facilitate the access of young women and men to land in a safe, regulated, and timely manner, however, there would be a risk of consolidating inequality in rural women’s access to land if diverse kinds of compensations are not established.


rural youth, Latin America

Author Biography

Eduardo Andrés Villavicencio Pinto, Wageningen University & Research

Investigador PROCASUR, abogado Universidad de Talca; Msc en Sociología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Msc Políticas Públicas, Universidad Diego Portales. Estudiante PhD in Rural Sociology at Wageningen University & Research, Países Bajos.